Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Job!

I ate all my mexican food!
National Building Museum

Canadian Embassy
Dana and I at the Canadian Embassy
So I haven't taken any pictures of my job yet, but let me back track first!

I finished Memorial day weekend by hanging out with Dana and the brother of an OU Professor (Dr. Landis). We went to the Newseum where it has the whole history of journalism, which I thought was a pretty appropriate starting place considering my internship. It was also crazy expensive to get in, like $20! But it was worth it to see all of the exhibits and to understand the industry a little more.

Next we went to a really great Mexican restaurant where I ordered amazing seafood quesadillas and ate the whole thing! (Which is a big deal if you've ever eaten Mexican with me before).
Then we decided to go to the zoo and wander for a bit and I got some really cute pictures of animals, that I didn't have room to put up. We almost got locked out from being there so late and I thought we were going to have to climb the fence! Luckily it all worked out.

The next day I started my job at ABC-7 and learned about how the newsroom works and watched Rebecca do her show. It all seems really cool and being behind the scenes is really different than watching it on TV.

Today was Gus's (the middle of Rebecca's three boys) play of Goldilocks and the three bears. He was a little pig, which was already funny, and then during the songs he stood up and danced around when all the other kids were shy. It was really cute and I told Rebecca, not only is he a little pig, he's a ham! I will put pictures of them up later.

At work Rebecca was having George Allen, the former governor and senator from Virginia, on her show. She said she needed to read his book that he has just written, What Washington Could Learn from Sports, before the show. What I later realized that that meant me reading the book and highlighting all of the important parts, which was really challenging but fun and then I went through all the news articles about him while she worked on our other story.

Brace yourself AT&T potential customers, apparently they are changing all of their new plans so that there will no longer be unlimited plans. (If you are already with them you're fine) So if you are planning on getting an iPod or iPad, plan on paying for all of the megabites that you use on the internet and even texts. We drove to the Washington Post to get an interview from their technology reporter and then went outside an AT&T store to interview people about the change.

It was the other intern and my job to get the people to interview which is surprisingly hard. I honestly felt like I was on the South Oval trying to pass out flyers and convince students to come to an event haha! It was really cool and the link is below if you want to see what exactly it was that we worked on!

After work I went to the OU DC Alumni Club dinner where we got to mingle with all of the other OU interns and alumni. This was the first time I saw my other friends and I received my internship scholarship! It was fun to see everyone and sort of made it feel like we were back in Norman tonight!

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