Wednesday, June 16, 2010

In the Projects

For obvious reasons I don't have a lot of pictures from this trip to Price Georges County for work! I have been working the night shift for the past week with Rebecca and Sarah so we have been doing live shots at 10 and 11pm.

Monday night we went to report on a fallen officer from the county to show his makeshift memorial out of his car. When we arrived around 9pm no one was there and we were supposed to look for people to interview. So, when people came out of the house we approached them to ask if someone wanted to and an older man told us he didn't mind us being there but we needed to move so that they could "hang out" and not shoot the house. Then he told us that only "Big Sexy" did the interviews around there and we met him. He was very sweet, like 6'5 tall guy who told us he would go put a shirt on to be on television. And what does Rebecca say when she meets him, "Well Big Sexy, that is what they call me around here as well so I'm not sure what we're going to do about that!"

Apparently we weren't moving fast enough for them, because they were really wanting to hotbox in their car without getting caught by the media, so ironically, they called their police friends to make sure we moved. It was quite the scene when they showed up, all of the sudden there went from 5 to around 12 people on the lawn making calls, and chatting while they watched Rebecca do her live 10pm shot then interview "Big Sexy".

It was a totally different experience from being in the newsroom and was very interesting!


  1. It sounds to me like you all were good just getting out of there safe even though Rebecca was interviewing "Big Sexy". Granddad and I don't know what hotboxing is - are we from a different generation? Love hearing about your adventures.

  2. Holly and Sarah did an excellent job interviewing the sources. But let's be clear -- when she says Big Sexy was "an older man".... well -- he's at least a decade younger than me. But he liked Holly and Sarah so we got the interview and that's all that matters. These two are good.

  3. ps -- Marolyn -- I didn't know what hotboxing was either. But my boss explained it to me. You can ask him at xoxoxo

  4. Oh my holly! You are doing some very interesting work with Rebecca and Sarah . I can just see you all doing this interview. Lol
