Monday, June 21, 2010

Around the City with Friends

Friends out shopping!

Sunday I took the bus for the first time and it was like unlocking a great door to let me get into the city without having to park! Glorious!

I went to Dupont to meet up with Ashley Zumwalt (who was visiting for the weekend), Madelyn and Dana. First I went to the farmers market and got some fresh veggies which was great, then we went to Zorba's for some Greek food. We had the best baklava ever and when we were leaving this crazy lady came up to us asking for us to go shopping through her suitcase. Dana was too nice to say no so we followed her over and had an awkward few minutes, but it was an experience!

Then we thought we were supposed to get on the metro when really we should have been walking where we were going and so we proceeded to run up the downwards escalator so that we didn't have to ride down two-flights then back up. Luckily no one fell but we did almost run into one lady who was riding. Whoops!

We ended up walking the wrong way just to get on a metro somewhere else, so it was all in vain but was still a fun story!

Next we went shopping in Chinatown and got some frozen yogurt (which is a big step for me because I had never tried the fruity flavors before). Then Ashley and Madelyn headed out so Dana and I went to Barnes and Noble in Georgetown for awhile but then she had to head out so I stayed and read for about an hour where I had a bizarre sequence of people join me at my table to read.

The first girl just sat and didn't say anything but kept staring around the room instead of reading so it was distracting. The second girl asked if she could sit with me, sat down, and then started crying and talking to her mom in another language for like 20 minutes! I obviously did not get a lot of reading done so I went back to meet Madelyn for dinner at Zed's on M street. It was a very adventurous day for me, greek, ethiopian, and fruity fro-yo all in one day!


  1. I love Holly!!!! yay for trying new food!

  2. Good grief! Your experiences are way too much for me to handle. How about just staying home and reading a book and not traveling by bus. I think you must be adopted - no one else in this family is as adventurous (maybe Greg)or as kind to sit with strange people (again maybe Greg). Heard a wonderful sermon Sunday and will try to be more conditioned of all your wordly expectations and fearlessness. You are truly living the life!
