Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thrills and Spills!

On the Set
With Rebecca's Old Intern Gaby
The Assignment Desk
Our little area
The Set While They Were Filming
Weather Area
Front Entrance
The Building

Today was quite the adventure! Rebecca is sick and doesn't have a voice so she couldn't come into work today. Since I don't start work until 11:30, the bus I would have needed didn't run then. Soo what did we do? I had to drive Rebecca's car, by myself to work! AHH! Talk about hitting the ground running on learning my way around! So I get the directions and immediately veer off course, I don't think I ended up taking any of the roads Rebecca told me kept me off the highway because I'm pretty sure I ended up on three different ones by the time I got there and somehow ended up on a different bridge than the one I was supposed to take!

Miraculously, I ended up there without having to turn around anywhere and was able to park the car in the garage with no problems!

So the work day started off really slow and that's when I was able to go snap all of these pictures. Then I got assigned to go out to film a package (a segment where a reporter goes out and interviews people) with a different anchor, Kathy. Kathy is a one woman show who hosts, films, and edits all of her work so she definitely needed some help with her equipment.

Our story was on a construction company suing DC for hiring a company to build a hotel for their convention center without really shopping around. Not exactly ground breaking stuff but still very interesting!

We went and picked up one of the guys working on the project and we went out to shoot on the site. It was unbelievably hot! So we got all of the footage and then rushed to the Attorney Generals office to get a quick interview with him, turns out we were at the wrong office! So we had to get over to the other building as quickly as possible and there were not parking spots!

So I stayed in the car while Kathy ran up to get the shot as I sat, parked illegally on the street. This didn't seem like a big deal till a cop came up to me and asked if I was looking for a ticket. As opposed to saying "Oh no my boss is just across this street going through security to interview the Attorney General and will be back in about 20 minutes," I replied with "My friend just ran to that ATM there and will be right back!" Luckily he was satisfied enough with that to move on, so no DC tickets for me yet!

When we got back we watched the anchor who was filling in for Rebecca and then I went to go eat with the old intern and her friends for their last night in DC. Nothing eventful happened from there and I got back in the dark fairly easily so I'm feeling much better about my navigation skills!

Oh ya!

DC Embarrassing Moment #1: Today I bought some groceries at CVS in the ABC building. As I went to grab some Dr. Pepper cans, 2 fell down and proceeded to spew all over myself, Gaby, and the floor. I will now be known to them as the Dr. Pepper girl... lovely

Go to if you want to see Rebecca's interview with George Allen, the guy I read the book on, and the segment I worked on today!
It doesn't work on my mac but if you have windows media 10 or higher it will!

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