Monday, July 6, 2009


Picture 1: In front of the Trevi Fountain
Picture 2: Inside St. Peters, so beautiful!
Picture 3: Vatican!
Picture 4: Roman Forum!
Picture 5: Coliseum!
So Rome was an amazing experience!! Sorry my posts are short now but I have to fit everything in before I come home... TOMORROW!! YAY I miss you all so so so much!!!!!!
Anyways, we only had one day to really experience Rome since Jordan left the next day so we did as much as we could in 1 day! haha
Our hotel was really close to the Coliseum, so we started there and it was really cool! Pretty much how I expected it to be, massive and pretty destroyed, but you still get the idea. After we went to the Roman Forum, which would not have been that cool if Meagan wasn't practically an expert on them and described all of the ruins and what they meant and all sorts of cool facts. She was definitely helpful!
After that we walked to a lot more famous sights like the Pantheon and then to the fountain where Tom Hanks saves the future Pope in Angels and Demons haha! It was pretty late by this point, so we had dinner and then headed back to sleep before it got dark.
The next day Jordan had to leave so Meagan and I got her on the train and then we did some more sight seeing. We went to the Vatican and it was so cool being there. The only problem was a huge rain storm was coming! So we pretty much ran back to the metro and didn't get wet, till we got to our stop and it was absolutely pouring rain and wouldn't stop! So we just used our little umbrella and ran to our hotel. We were totally drenched when we got there but it was pretty funny.
When the rain finally stopped we headed out to the Trevi Fountain. It was really beautiful and huge, but so crowded! We walked around and found a cheese store where I bought some good parmesan and we asked the workers where they ate that wasn't touristy. They gave us a map and again I was skeptical, till we got there and it was the most delicious pasta ever lol!
The next day I headed to Paris, where I am now and have been with my friends, but not really sight seeing just enjoying myself so I don't have any pictures.
But I will be home so soon and cannot wait!!!! Love you all so much!

Monday, June 29, 2009


Picture 1: All of us at Pisa
Picture 2: Meagan giving us away as being Americans in her outfit!
Picture 3: Famous square in Florence
Picture 4: Hugging the tower
Picture 5: On Ponta Vecchio
We got to Florence sorta late and met up with Jordans friend Meagan. We went and had dinner at a pizzeria and that was pretty much it!
The next day we woke up sorta early and walked along the river till we got to Ponta Vecchio where theres a huge gold market or something like that so we wandered around. That was pretty cool, and after we made a reservation at the Uffuzzi museum for later so we didn't have to wait in the really long line for tickets.

After that we walked around the square when a random parade started lol we still aren't really sure why but it was interesting! We went and saw the Duomo there and then to San Lorenzo square where there are all kinds of markets and interesting things.

We had lunch at a nice little restaurant and I got a calzone that was delicious while we watched people bargaining with the people outside. It was pretty funny and interesting!
After we finished eating we decided it was time to do some bargaining of our own and we ended up buying a few things. I left the bargaining up to the other girls since I wasn't to good at it haha!

By this point it was time for our reservation at the museum so we went and Meagan is an art history major so she was able to be our tour guide and tell us about lots of the pieces and why they were interesting.

That took a really long time to get through the museum but it was totally worth it. I was so tired when we left so we took a break, had dinner, bought a bottle of wine and people watched at the duomo. It was pretty cool.

The next day we decided to go to Pisa so we got to the station and realized that the next train left in 3 minutes so we ran to the platform and made it, but it was pretty funny. The train was so gross and smelly, I guess because it was a small trip, and it's Italy lol! But we were just glad we made it and the trip only took about an hour.
What I realized about Pisa, really even before I got there, is that pretty much the only really cool thing about it is the tower. So we went, took our cute pictures, and left! lol It was short and sweet but still good!
When we got back to Florence we found a buffet style Italian restaurant that was really cheap and delicious. While walking back to our hotel we found a 1 euro store, which is practically never heard of so we were pretty excited! lol We bought all sorts of funny things and 2 bottles of wine, each one 1 euro, so you know they were good! haha

Friday, June 26, 2009


Picture 1: Drinking the wine they gave us!
Picture 2: What the fanciest McDonalds has to offer!
Picture 3:In front of the Castle!
Picture 4: Chilling in the fountain!
Picture 5: The fanciest McDonalds I've ever seen!
Picture 6: Me in front of the Duomo!

I'm finally in Italy!! It was pretty funny trying to make the language transition for me since I got so used to French haha. It was also pretty funny when we switched from our French to Italian train, the differences in the people. On the French train, no one talks and minds there own business and sits quietly. On the Italian trains everyone is talking and sharing food and laughing and it was hilarious I loved it!

We didn't get to the train station till around 9 so I was glad I booked a hotel literally across the street. And apparently I got a really good deal on this hotel because we did not pay much at all and it's so nice and beautiful! Yay me! haha We hadn't eaten since that morning so I went and asked the conceirge (in Italian) where a good place to eat around there was. He told us and we went on our way.

I started to get skeptical when all of the places were closed and it didn't really look like a popular hang out. Then we walked inside and there were so many people there! And lots of Italians eating dinner. I was happy after that because they say you know a restaurant is good when the Italians eat there!

We sat down and ordered when a couple next to us leaned over and asked us how we liked Milan. They were Scottish and here on holiday to watch the Opera and visit museums. They were so cute and sweet and bought us a bottle of Italian wine since they knew we were poor college students haha! They ended up being very interesting people and the woman started laughing when we said we went to school in Oklahoma because she had been in the musical so that was pretty funny. We talked about the stereotypes of different countries and they told us all the best attractions around. Of course they said the Opera, but at 160euros a ticket thats not going to happen haha!

I'm really upset that we didn't take a picture with them because we didn't think about it! But they gave us their e-mails and told us if we were ever in Scotland to let them know and they would love to show us around lol. They were very lovely people and it was probably my most enjoyable meal I've had in all of Europe!

The next day we woke up, had breakfast at the hotel, checked out and went to sight see! Of course we went to the Duomo first and then walked around and shopped a little bit, but only a little so don't worry! After we ate lunch and I had the most delicious lunch that was something I cant remember the name. But basically it was a big tortilla, with ham, brie cheese and fresh tomatoes. It was again, one of the most delicious things I've ever eaten! Italy is pretty much kicking France's rear in that department! haha

After that we walked to the Castle nearby and went through the museums there that had some really neat things. After we got really tired to we sat around the fountain with the locals who stick their feet in the water and like play in it. It was a pretty funny and cool experience!

By then it was time to head to Florence, but it was a great day in Milan!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Picture 1: My French class lol we were quite the odd group of people!
Picutre 2: Hanging out on the beach!
Picture 3: Monte-Carlo!
Picture 4: Monaco
Picture 5:Melissa on our Castle tour!
This time I didnt have any sort of eventful train rides to Nice lol. We just arrived late and checked into our hotel and slept!

The next morning we woke up and went to the beach and layed out for awhile where we met our friend Clark who was going to hang out with us that weekend. It was really relaxing compared to Marseille so that made me happy! After we thought we could be getting burned, we went back to the hotel to shower and change and shop a little bit! Of course Clark was in no way interested in that, so we went to several European stores and I bought a few things at a store called Zara which was really cute. After that it was dinner time, so we met up with Clark who showed us around the old town and found a cute restaurant where I had the best seafood linguini ever and a cocktail which was actually pretty delicious!

After dinner it was still pretty early by Frances standards so we decided to buy a bottle of wine and go chill on the beach. We went to a tiny wine shop where a cute old French man gave us a chilled bottle from his personal cellar so it would be better on the beach. I took pictures with the wine and then watched my friends drink it haha it was fun!
The next day we woke up early and went to Monaco. It was so beautiful! When we got there we really didnt know what to do so we just started walking till we found the beach and lounged there for awhile until lunch time when we ate a picnic that we had packed for the day. After that we found our way to Monte-Carlo but it was closed for lunch so we took a break at Cafe de Paris across the street and people watched for awhile. That is a very cool thing to do in Monaco because these are the crazy wealthy people with their Ferraris. After it opened we went in and looked around. I was pretty excited when the people at the front didnt ask to see my passport because that meant they didnt think I was a foreign tourist! Monte-Carlo was cool, but would have probably be cooler A. if I gambled or knew how haha and B. if Id seen the new James Bond movie where he stays there!

After Monte-Carlo we hiked up a hill to try to get to the Aquarium when we accidently stumbled upon the Palace of the Prince of Monaco which was really cool! It had beautiful views and gardens and I was very impressed! That definitely made our walk down the other side of the hill more pleasant. The aquarium ended up being really cool and I loved all the fish! But by this point I was getting extremely tired so we headed back for some food.

We went to a place called Stars and Bars which was an "American" restaurant. I was so happy because they had Dr. Pepper! I miss it haha! It was nice to feel sort of like we were back at home again. Clark had a philly cheese steak which ended up coming on a baguette with American cheese, which is apparently wrong? But I've never had one so I don't really know the difference!
This day was the Fete de la Musique all over Paris so we went back to Nice to get ready to walk around. I didn't know if I could make it because I got so so tired! But when we finally left and heard all different kinds of music everywhere it ended up being really cool! Jordan and I sat at a restaurant and listened to some music for awhile till Clark text us and said there was a really cool band somewhere else. So we went and met him and saw a band that was playing all American music with a huge crowd around them. It was so fun to actually know the songs and the words and it was pretty funny seeing the number of Americans present. At one point a USA chant broke out, which I was pretty embarrassed by considering they were in France and that was pretty disrespectful. They were causing quite a commotion and ended up having to leave so I was glad that I wasn't associated with them haha! We stayed out late listening to music then made a late night MacDo run on the way back to the hotel! It was definitely a fun night!

The next morning was our last so we just had breakfast on the beach and layed out till we had to take the train back. We ended up missing out last train to Vichy so we had to walk across the street to the hotel and pay for a night there but it wasn't to bad.
What was bad was waking up the next morning at 530 to catcht the 620 train to Vichy, only to go to class for 5 hours when we got there at 830! :-( But it was totally worth it for our time in Nice because I absolutely loved it!

It will be hard to decide where to study now because OU has an exchange in Nice also!
I miss you all and tomorrow I head to Milan! I dont know when I will have internet and can post again but don't worry because I will be safe and hopefully my italian will improve some!


Monday, June 15, 2009


Picutre 1: View from the top of the castle
Picture 2: Trapped in Edmond Dantes cell!
Picture 3: The beautiful water
Picture 4: The Calanques
Picture 5: Having a sandwich on Ile d'If
Picture 6: Chateau d'If
Picture 7: By the port after sunset
Picture 8: Jordan and Julie climbing the fence
Picture 9: Palais Longchamp
This weekend was really fun because Jordan, Julie (our new friend) and I went to Marseille! It took us a really long time to get there and the trains are like the ones from the Harry Potter movies with compartments where 8 people sit. So, when we got on the first train we sat with one other person and it was fine. Then, at the next stop 5 teenagers decided to come sit with us and the guy who was in there before us. I just knew they were trouble from the beginning because they had huge MacDo (McDonalds) sacks and were trying to fit an extra person in the seats.

We ignored then for a little while till the guy next to me asked if I wanted some french fries, which by the way weren't the normal kind but more like potatoe skins haha! I said no thanks and then they started to ask Julie where she was from and she told them Korea then one of the guys asked the other how to say millionaire in english, which is exactly the same so it was really funny. They decided Julie was a millionare since she had her Louis Vuitton purse and after they asked where I was from. They guessed Ireland then Germany then Norway then Italy then Denmark then England and 3 others until they said they really didn't know and finally the small guy in the corner said ....les Etats-Unis and I said oui and they all said Non!! So apparently I don't have any sort of American accent which is nice haha. Then the one in the corner told me I was pretty in French and asked for my name, I told him it was Melissa and then I got to here all the way to Lyon, Melissa... Je t'aime, marrier-moi(marry me) je vais prendre un tour de Lyon pour tu et tes amis(I will take you and your friends on a tour of Lyon). It was funny but I was glad to get off the train.

On the second train from Lyon to Marseille it was so packed people had to sit in the hall. Jordan and I ended up seperated by one seat with a 2o year old blonde french guy sitting between us. He didn't really say anything but I was pretty sure he was listening to our conversation about Jordans boyfriend and then when I said "Ya well boys are always wrong and girls are always right," he started laughing really hard and I realized he spoke English and understood everything we were saying haha! He became our friend and told us about all the fun things to do in Marseille and how we should take a bus to Aix-en-Provence for the night time. He was nice and when he asked where we were from I had him guess and again I got Ireland first and then Germany and then Norway and when I finally told him that I was from America and Texas he was in disbelief and said, "No, I've been to Texas, they don't talk like you they are so hard to understand!" Then he attempted the Texas accent which is really funny when mixed with a French one!

Anyways, after we actually got to Marseille, I found a map and navigated us to our hotel where I checked in and dropped off all of our stuff. Then we proceeded to walk to what we thought was the Vieux Port and ended up being first a business area, with no water and only buildings, then a huge ghetto leading up to the biggest church I've ever seen. There was no way out that we could see so we ended up walking up the steps the the church, which were covered in broken beer bottles, cigarettes and random shoes... no idea why lol it was the strangest thing I'd ever seen! The area was closed off but there was no other way out so we all climbed the fence over and escaped to the port through the church lol it was quite an experience. The port was beautiful and we walked along it seeing the biggest yachts ever and a pirates ship and then a whole bunch of regular sailing boats that were in some sort of race the weekend sponsored by Audi. It was a very chic area and pretty cool to walk around and see all of the night life.

The next morning we woke up early to go to Chateau d'If, the castle where Edmond Dantes is held captive in "The Count of Monte Cristo." It was really cool and the island was so beautiful overlooking the water which was the bluest I've ever seen. I packed all the supplies for sandwichs in my purse and we bought a baguette on the way to the port so that we could have a picnic on the island. It was the best picnic I've ever had! A. because of the scenery. and B. because I bought a citron presse(lemonade) and the lady made it from scratch with like 7 lemons and it was the most delicious thing ever! It was definitely a fun experience being there and taking the boat is always an adventure. After that we got on the metro and went to Palais Longchamp which was so beautiful and turned out to be an artist showcase. Some of them were really good and I ended up buying a piece I really liked from one of the artists there.

When we got back the Vieux Port we decided to eat some ice cream since it was really hot and then took a boat tour of the colanques, which are really high cliffs right next to the ocean and are really scenic. It wasn't the most impressive thing I've ever seen, but being on the boat was really fun and nice for the few hours we were out there.
Since I rented an apartment to save on money, we went and made pasta in the room for dinner and watched some french TV, which is actually mostly American TV dubbed over with the French translation haha! Then we went and caught a bus to Aix-en-Provence. It sort of reminded me of Bordeaux there and we didn't really know what to do or where to go, so we decided to follow a group of people our age who looked like Marc and his friends. They ended up leading us through all of the back roads to a really cool fancy bar. When I looked at the menu, non of the wines were under 30 euro and the most expensive champagne bottle was 750 euros so I realized we were definitely in a nice place! haha I ordered a strawberry mojhito, which was only 9 euro and Julie had a margarita, which wasn't really a margarita at all, more like a cocktail. It was funny to me and Jordan. They brought out snacks with our drinks and we people watched till late and had to go back to catch the bus.
Sunday morning we woke up, checked out, and took another bus to the "beach." It's not really the beach because theres no sand, but it was still nice and then we walked around the street markets where I bought soap because apparently Marseille is extremely famous for its soap, who knew! Then we took the train back to Vichy which was not eventful like the first trip haha!
Now I'm back to my studies which is much less exciting, but I leave for Nice and Monaco on Friday so I will be excited for that now!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Pauvre Clermont :-(

Picture 1: Typical French spectator with his beret and wine, I'm sure there was a baguette somewhere around him too.
Picture 2: Everyone sitting to watch the game
Picture 3: Me and Melissa sitting
Picture 4: Melissa's friends
Picture 5: People getting excited before the match
Picutre 6: Mel and I with her Nephew Loo
Picture 7: My Host Grandad and Dad with his OU golf towel
Picture 8: On the golf course
Picture 9: Mel and I in the cart

The next day after I went to the English lesson I got switched into a more advanced French class only to find out that class was having a test the next day! Luckily it was all stuff I had already learned so I was pretty sure it would be ok but I was just glad I was feeling more challenged. My teacher is a really young French guy and he's pretty interesting! The test went pretty ok I think the next day and then Melissa, her step-dad and grandad came and picked me up from school to go golfing.

The place was really and pretty since it was out in the countryside. There were lots of old men drinking wine and smoking cigars just like what you would expect of any club and also the french haha. We ate lunch there and I had duck which I've decided I really like. The grandad rented me some womens clubs which was really sweet. At lunch I heard Mel ask how many holes we were gonna play, I was hoping 9 but then I heard dix-huit and was a little more stressed! I'm good with 9 but 18 is so tiring! We got in the cart and started in on the holes and I did pretty much like normal lol the guys would laugh at me because I would do really bad then really good so all in all it was ok! I didn't have a glove so after awhile my hand really hurt. After we finished the guys all wanted to go smoke some more and have a beer so Mel and I went and drank a coke and she got a thing called sirop, which is basically just like a melted snowcone. It was a fun experience to go play with them and it was funny to realize that all of the golf terms are exactly the same with French pronunciations. Like Fairway, top le bol, the green, pronounced le gren etc.
That night Melissa's nephew came over who is 1 year old and he was really cute. We played with him for awhile and I went to bed early because I was so tired and knew we had big plans for Saturday in Clermont.

I woke up the next day pretty late because it was almost lunchtime. We had veal and some other meat and I can't remember the last time I ate any sort of seafood or chicken haha. I've had to break my no red meat rule at pretty much every meal but it's all been good! I met Melissa's sister and we stayed with Loo, the baby, a little longer till we headed out to Clermont to watch their rugby team in the French Championship. Apparently for the last 9 years they've gone and still haven't won or something like that. It was really cool being there because everyone was so excited and there was a huge screen in Jaude Place, where everyone sat and watched the game. I thought it was hilarious because when it came time for the game, everyone sat down and it was just a known rule. That would never happen in America, one because of personal space rules, and two its sort of a pride thing lol. All of the spectators were dressed in there jaune et bleu with baguette sandwiches in hand and bottles of beer and wine everywhere, which also wouldn't fly in America! haha. Rugby was really cool and very intense and they were winning till halftime, when they ended up loosing again and I'm not lying when I say that every person was completely quiet and depressed, worse than an OU Texas game. Lots of guys were crying and it was really sad because I guess this was supposed to be there year to win. So instead of going to any after partys Mel and I went home because we knew none of them were going to be any fun after that.

I thought it was fun even though they lost because it was cool and totally different! Today is Mothers Day here so all of Mel's family is coming over for dinner which should be a pretty interesting experience!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Parlez-vous l'anglais?!

Picture 1: At Pier 6, some posh club with Marc's Friends, Me, Jean, Marc de Bechade, Victor
Picture 2: The pier in Arcachon down the street from Marc's beach house
Picture 3: My new friends! Marc de Bechade, Me, Antoine, Marc Bailly, Thomas, Jordan, Jean
Picture 4: Jordan and I on Marc's boat!

So I started class! The day that was supposed to be the first day ended up being a holiday, which is not shocking considering the French take Holidays pretty much all of the time! lol So on Monday Melissa took me to Thiers where her dad, aunt, and grandma live and where her mom and step dad have there plastic factory. It was a really cute town in the mountains so her aunt lived up high with a beautiful view of the city and thats where we ate lunch. Her house was really cool and eclectic because all of the people in Melissas family are really good paiters, I had no idea! At lunch I tried saucisson for the first time and thought it was good! As long as I didn't think about what it was made of lol sort of like a hot dog! Melissa has two cousins who live in Thiers, a girl whose 14 and a boy whose my age so it was cool to hang out with them for a little bit!
After lunch Mel took me around Theirs and we walked in a church that was built in like 1400 or something, it was pretty neat. Then we went to the plastic factory her Step-dad owns and it was really cool to see all the stuff they make and the cute area around it. Apparently some really famous knives are made in Thiers and that's there claim to fame. When we walked around though it was pretty easy to see the recession there because so many shops were closed and the town was sort of dead. It's pretty sad.

But one place that wasn't dead was the French version of Wal-Mart where Mel took me next and it was pretty much the same but all in French, I was pretty suprised! Then we visited Mel's friend who had just had a baby who was less than a month old, he was so cute and I tried to speak French with the two of them but it was pretty hard.

My first day of class my mom here parked and walked me in just like elementary school lol it was pretty cute. I found Jordan and we took the placement test where I proceeded to accidently miss a whole section of listening comprehension so I'm pretty sure I had a horrible score for that and thus I ended up in a class that is entirely to easy for me with Jordan. It's pretty fun but we will most likely transfer to another this week.
The classes are cool because there are all different nationalities like Libian and Mexican and American and Japanese and Korean. So the only common language is French so the entire class is written, heard and spoken in French. I love it! I told the Japanese girl my one phrase of Japanese and she got so excited lol it was cute and we're best friends now.

So basically the class is fun and I'm really enjoying it. But what was even more fun was to go to Mel's moms English class today and see the reverse. It was pretty cool and I realized English would definitely be hard to learn! The teacher is from Ireland and I talked to her before class and from what I could tell she seemed pretty nice but definitely had that proper English air about her and in class during the text she asked me a few questions about America and differences and it was sort of clear that she thought our English was inferior to their way lol. Which was fine but when she started teaching the ladies the words corpulent and gangly and stout I asked if those were everyday words where she came from and she said yes and that the use of those words for me would come with age. I looked at Mel and we both sort of laughed and realized this lady was a total salope! (the b word in french) Then she talked about how great her son was because he spoke perfect English and French and his English was way to proper for when he studied abroad in Iowa. I sort of laughed and said that I could see that, and I understood why only because being to proper in America seemed snobby, but she clearly was snobby so that was probably a compliment for her! I told her that in the south we are much more relaxed and warm and welcoming which some people like and some don't and she thought that was sort of intersting.

At the point I really felt like putting on my best hick accent and saying, "Well ya'll it's been a real treat to get to know ya! But I'm only from America and can't really understand what you guys are sayin' so I think I'll head back to Texas now with my 6 shooter and cowboy boots!" lol It was quite and experience and I really enjoyed it because it's so interesting to see how different people really can be!
Besides that nothing really exciting is happening so I'm waiting longer to post so I will have more to say! I will put up pictures of Melissas house and the town as soon as I take some! haha

Until my next adventure!

Love you!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Rest of my Time in Bordeaux!

So this is the next 2 days because I didn't get internet till I arrived in Mariol where Melissa lives which is 15 minutes away from Vichy. Since we stayed out late at the night club the day before I didn't wake up until around 10 and Marc's parents had already gone to work. Marc had a meeting downtown so he told me he would drop me and Jordan off downtown to explore. We walked around and it was really beautiful. We ate at a Chinese restaurant which sounds silly, but really they're much better here because they are closer to China. The food was tres bien and after that we shopped for a little while. Jordan bought a cute tunic and I ended up buying to t-shirt type skirts at H&M to wear over my swimsuits. Then we bought chocolate which was really good!

Marc picked us back up and we went to his house where when Julie came with Marc's best friend Thomas who was really nice and funny. He talked to us in English and was really nervous about it. It was cute. He cooked us dinner and we all ate outside again because it was a pretty night.

After dinner Marc's friend was having a party so we drove to his apartment which was in the middle of downtown and so huge. I was amazed and can't even imagine how much it probably cost. There were a few girls and lots of guys and a few of them spoke English so it was sort of a funny mix of English and French throughout the conversations. We stayed there until around 1 when they decided to go to a club so we went to a club called Pier 6. When we left people kept disappearing left and right and going different places, it was pretty funny and I guess normal in Bordeaux. They all went and did there own thing then about an hour later everyone had reunited at the club. It was really fun and I liked all of Marc and Julies friends a lot.

The next day we woke up and got ready to go to Arcachon, where Marc's beach house is. When we got there I met his sister and her boyfriend who were both very cute and nice, they were fun to hang out with. After we arrived we left to go to the boat and Marc's dad told us about all the cool places in the town. The boat was really nice and it was so fun to go sailing. The weather was beautiful and they packed baguette sandwiches and quiche Marc's mom made. It was a pretty legit French lunch. lol. The water was only 60 degrees so I skipped the swimming and just layed out and took a nap on one of the couches on the boat. It was very relaxing and nice after all of the busy times we spent in Paris.

When we got back from the boat trip Marc's parents had a Spanish party so they got dressed up and we went to walk around for awhile. The town was beautiful and we made plans to come back that night to a sports bar to watch the Bordeaux game which was apparently a big deal. When we got back I gave Marc's family there presents which I think they liked and Clara, Marc's sister served us dinner. It was really good, of course, and Clara said that she wanted to go get ice cream. So we walked down to a pier area and got the legit kind of homemade ice cream that she really liked while the boys went to watch the game. We waked out to the water and just talked for awhile until there were 5 minutes left in the game. The people were so funny to watch and after they won they played all sorts of French songs and then came "We are the Champions," "We will Rock you," and " I Will Survive." I thought those were some pretty fun song choices but it was fun to jump around with them and act all excited about there victory. We went back to the house and talked to the family for awhile then went to bed. It was a really fun day.

This morning we had to get on our first train back to Bordeaux at 9 so we went back with Julie and then she stayed and we continued on for 6 hours to Vichy. The train ride wasn't to bad and it was nice to see all of the country side. All of the train stations were really small once we left Bordeaux and it was cute.

When we finally got there Melissa and her mom were there to pick me up and I was so happy to see them! We walked around till we found Jordans host family then we drove back to Melissas house. It's really cool! It's really huge and the 3rd floor is basically just for me now lol. Her family is so sweet and only speaks French so I've actually had to start trying which is good. I think I probably spoke more French in our one dinner than I did of one year of my French classes lol. It gets easier and easier so hopefully I'll be pretty good by the time I leave. I don't have any picture loaded right now but I will try to do that tomorrow or soon so you can see her house and more pictures from Bordeaux!

I miss all of you but to be honest I'm having such an awesome time! I never want to leave lol but don't worry, I'll come back!

Love you all!

Friday, May 29, 2009


Picture 1: The fancy bar we went to
Picture 2: Saint-Emilion
Picture 3: Scarry rock road!
Picture 4: Finally on the train!
So I left off with us arriving, which I was just so glad to see someone I knew and be done with public transportation for awhile. We had to much luggage so we had to go back to Marcs house before we could go to our first place in Bordeaux. So we rode around Bordeaux, which is so beautiful. It looks a lot like Paris with the architecture and set up with a river running through it, but it's nicer because the weather is beautiful and it is cleaner and safer. Marcs house is cool, its different than houses in America because in the cities there is no front or side yards, only the back because the houses are connected. I think it is an older building because that is what it looks like from the front but the inside is very modern and the backyard is beutiful and where they spend a lot of there time.
We didn't have to much time to explore though because we needed to go pick up Julie and go to our first place in the area. Julie, Marc's girlfriend, lives about 40 minutes away in a vineyard area that was so pretty to drive to. Her house reminded me of something out of Under the Tuscan Sun and I was suprised to realize that she also spoke English well. That was good and bad because I didn't have to use French but it was also easier to talk. She's very nice and funny and it was nice to have a French girl around to get her perspective on the places we went.
We went to a place called Saint-Emelion which is know for its great wine. The place was absolutely beautiful and had really old beautiful architecture. The roads were extremely old stones that people probably die walking down. Grammie and Grandaddy I know you would love this place, but even I had issues walking there so I think you can just stick with the pictures I bring! haha We had a crepe like thing filled with chicken and cheese and tomatos at a restaurant Julie really likes and it was really good, plus the ambiance of all of the vineyards and old chapels around made it feel really cool. After that we walked around, took a few pictures and Marc an Julie had us buy a little tea cake looking thing that I can't remember the name. It was pretty good and apparently famous to that area so that was nice. It was getting sort of late around that time so we left to drop Julie off at a friends house.
When we got back to Marcs his parents were there and they were very sweet when I met them. We bisoused, of course and introduced ourselves, but apparently he spoke English pretty well also so he decided to talk to us that way. He is very nice and inviting and chatty so that was good. His mom doesn't speak as much English so we spoke in French and she is very sweet. She made us dinner and I kept trying to help but she wouldn't let me. Finally Marc and I were able to set the table, where he conviced me that in France the knives go on the left side, which I knew was wrong but wasn't sure then I realized he was messing with me when his mom came out and yelled at him. I felt pretty stupid lol.
Dinner was really really good, better than anything we ate in Paris. Marc's mom made duck with a rocquefort sauce that was awesome. Also, ratatouille, which I'd never had before that was also very good, and potatos of the region that were friend and delicious and green beans. She was so sweet because she kept saying, if we didn't like it not to feel bad, but it really was delicious and I had no problem eating any of it. The only hard part was Marc's dad giving me wine, I tried to get the Rose kind but I still didn't like it so it was hard to sip it during dinner. Luckily they really didn't care. After we finished eating I tried to help clean up but Marc's mom wouldn't let us and she ended up bringing out creme brulee ice cream with caramel, fresh strawberries, whip cream, and candy type straws in little bowls and it was so sweet. I feel bad for all of the trouble she went to but Marc said she's like that all of the time so that must be nice for his family! It was definitely the best meal of the trip so far and they were all very easy to talk to.
After dinner I helped clean up a little and a few hours after we went to where Julie was with her friends and hung out with them some. Only a few spoke English so most of the time was just spent trying to understand what they were talking about while they drank wine and smoked, all very French lol. After about an hour one of the girls boyfriends wanted to go to a bar in downtown and we were close so we walked there. Apparently it is a very chic and snobby place and I could tell when we got there. They only let certain types of people in so I'm glad they didn't kick us out lol. The people were all very chic and the bar was where all of the rich and famous people in Bordeaux hang out. A soccer player for the France team whose apparently very famous was there also with a mix of younger and older people. We danced a little and waited till there friends got there and I met them all. They were all nice and didn't speak English but it was hard to understand anything with the music loud. We left around 1:30 and I was glad because I was so tired from the day but I was glad to meet all of Marc's friends becuase they all seem cool.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

What an Adventure!

At 6am this morning Jordan and I woke up to get on the train at 7:45. We decided to take the bus, only to discover it was going to take way to long, so we got off and went down to the metro. Which is not easy when you have lots of luggage. When we got on the metro we headed to Gare du Nord where we bought the tickets and got our EuRail passes verified only to discover we were at the wrong station!! Oh yes that happened lol. We had 25 minutes until the train so we ran to the metro and went through 13 stations to get to the right station. When we got off the metro was packed and Jordan and I ended up getting seperated and I couldn't find her anywhere. At this point the train was leaving in 5 minutes so I started for the exit and ended up meeting her there thank god. We couldn't find the train so we gave up and went to book new tickets.

At the billet station we asked to get a ticket for the next train to Bordeaux but there were no EuRail rates left so we would have had to have paid 68 euros to board the next train. So I started thinking well crap that sucks but then the lady said she could get us on a train at another station and we would have to switch trains in St. Pierre but it would only cost us 1,50 so we of course chose that. So we got on a bus to another train station! The 4th we'd gone to in Paris, and were able to find our train. There was no room for our bags so we had to go find places for that.

Pretty much anything that could have did, minus my bag breaking thankfully because that would have been awful. They definitely took a beating today and now I understand why people decide to backpack as opposed to use luggage. I've never been so tired in all of my life. My muscles were so sore and I sweated so much but we ended up getting to Bordeaux and it was easy to meet Marc so that's what matters!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Feet Hate Me

Picture 1: Don't worry it's still there! Sans le chat lol
Picture 2: Jordan and I at Versailles
Picture 3: Me on the Eiffel Tower
So I've been walking for approximately 12 hours today! My feet hurt so so bad but we couldn't stop so they'll have to get over it! Around 9 this morning Jordan and I headed to the metro to find our way to Versailles. We were doing pretty well till all of the sudden some announcement was made in French while we weren't paying attention and lots of American travelers jumped off the train. So, of course we followed suit just to realize that their was no reason to get off and we were really stupid to follow those people! haha oh well lesson learned.

Versailles was cool and pretty much exactly how I remembered it. We brought a baguette and lunch meat and cheese to make our own sandwichs while we waiting and they were tres bien! I was happy because the man at the ticket office asked me where I was from and couldn't believe I was American, I don't know why but I'm hoping its because my accent wasn't to bad!

After we left there we went back to the train and were on our way to the Eiffel Tower. The whole point of that trip was to get a cool Eiffel Tower stamp on all of my postcards, so after and hour of waiting and standing I asked the gift shop, Ou est la poste? et apparentment, La poste est FERMER! Ugh!! (That means it was closed.) I guess they shut it down for good which was pretty upsetting. So that trip was pretty much for nothing, although the view was nice.

When we left there we still hadn't gone to the Louvre so we hopped on the metro to get there and it was closing, but we were lucky because on wednesdays it opens up for 4 hours at night so we decided we would come back after we found a post office. We left the Louvre and I continued my "Ou est la poste" questions. After 6 tries and not being able to figure it out we were about to give up till we finally ran into this huge building. So, if you are receiving a postcard from me, I'm just saying be appreciative because those suckers took about 3 hours of work! haha it was worth it though.

After we ate at a funny little restaurant where I had a long conversation in French with the waitress about the menu so be proud! She was nice and it was fun to people watch for awhile. Then we headed back to the Louvre and saw all of the cool things we'd been wanting to see. I finally found a book in English which was a score so I had to buy one! Yay for us Kelly we can look things up for General Survey next semester!

Also, the drink was a smirnoff, I know it's kinda weak but it was the only think I thought I could handle! haha and I tried Jordans mojito which I thought was pretty ok!

Now were back at the hotel and I'm about to die from tiredness lol. We have to be on a train at 7:30 tomorrow so it will be an early day, its ok though because I'm ready to move on.
Bordeaux here I come!