Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Feet Hate Me

Picture 1: Don't worry it's still there! Sans le chat lol
Picture 2: Jordan and I at Versailles
Picture 3: Me on the Eiffel Tower
So I've been walking for approximately 12 hours today! My feet hurt so so bad but we couldn't stop so they'll have to get over it! Around 9 this morning Jordan and I headed to the metro to find our way to Versailles. We were doing pretty well till all of the sudden some announcement was made in French while we weren't paying attention and lots of American travelers jumped off the train. So, of course we followed suit just to realize that their was no reason to get off and we were really stupid to follow those people! haha oh well lesson learned.

Versailles was cool and pretty much exactly how I remembered it. We brought a baguette and lunch meat and cheese to make our own sandwichs while we waiting and they were tres bien! I was happy because the man at the ticket office asked me where I was from and couldn't believe I was American, I don't know why but I'm hoping its because my accent wasn't to bad!

After we left there we went back to the train and were on our way to the Eiffel Tower. The whole point of that trip was to get a cool Eiffel Tower stamp on all of my postcards, so after and hour of waiting and standing I asked the gift shop, Ou est la poste? et apparentment, La poste est FERMER! Ugh!! (That means it was closed.) I guess they shut it down for good which was pretty upsetting. So that trip was pretty much for nothing, although the view was nice.

When we left there we still hadn't gone to the Louvre so we hopped on the metro to get there and it was closing, but we were lucky because on wednesdays it opens up for 4 hours at night so we decided we would come back after we found a post office. We left the Louvre and I continued my "Ou est la poste" questions. After 6 tries and not being able to figure it out we were about to give up till we finally ran into this huge building. So, if you are receiving a postcard from me, I'm just saying be appreciative because those suckers took about 3 hours of work! haha it was worth it though.

After we ate at a funny little restaurant where I had a long conversation in French with the waitress about the menu so be proud! She was nice and it was fun to people watch for awhile. Then we headed back to the Louvre and saw all of the cool things we'd been wanting to see. I finally found a book in English which was a score so I had to buy one! Yay for us Kelly we can look things up for General Survey next semester!

Also, the drink was a smirnoff, I know it's kinda weak but it was the only think I thought I could handle! haha and I tried Jordans mojito which I thought was pretty ok!

Now were back at the hotel and I'm about to die from tiredness lol. We have to be on a train at 7:30 tomorrow so it will be an early day, its ok though because I'm ready to move on.
Bordeaux here I come!


  1. smirnoff holly i am suprised that you are actually drinking something lol. Well at least you have drank once. I hope every thing is well and i can not wait to hear from you again your brother


  2. It sounds like you had an eventful day. I am so proud of you for walking around Paris all by yourself and not getting lost. You are amazing. Thanks for putting up a pic of Jordan with you. You all look so French.

  3. Holly - You really are amazing getting around Paris by foot, metro and train to Versaille. Loved the picture from the Eiffel tower. Will appreciate the post card too. Your french must sound very authenic - great! Love Grammie
