Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Rest of my Time in Bordeaux!

So this is the next 2 days because I didn't get internet till I arrived in Mariol where Melissa lives which is 15 minutes away from Vichy. Since we stayed out late at the night club the day before I didn't wake up until around 10 and Marc's parents had already gone to work. Marc had a meeting downtown so he told me he would drop me and Jordan off downtown to explore. We walked around and it was really beautiful. We ate at a Chinese restaurant which sounds silly, but really they're much better here because they are closer to China. The food was tres bien and after that we shopped for a little while. Jordan bought a cute tunic and I ended up buying to t-shirt type skirts at H&M to wear over my swimsuits. Then we bought chocolate which was really good!

Marc picked us back up and we went to his house where when Julie came with Marc's best friend Thomas who was really nice and funny. He talked to us in English and was really nervous about it. It was cute. He cooked us dinner and we all ate outside again because it was a pretty night.

After dinner Marc's friend was having a party so we drove to his apartment which was in the middle of downtown and so huge. I was amazed and can't even imagine how much it probably cost. There were a few girls and lots of guys and a few of them spoke English so it was sort of a funny mix of English and French throughout the conversations. We stayed there until around 1 when they decided to go to a club so we went to a club called Pier 6. When we left people kept disappearing left and right and going different places, it was pretty funny and I guess normal in Bordeaux. They all went and did there own thing then about an hour later everyone had reunited at the club. It was really fun and I liked all of Marc and Julies friends a lot.

The next day we woke up and got ready to go to Arcachon, where Marc's beach house is. When we got there I met his sister and her boyfriend who were both very cute and nice, they were fun to hang out with. After we arrived we left to go to the boat and Marc's dad told us about all the cool places in the town. The boat was really nice and it was so fun to go sailing. The weather was beautiful and they packed baguette sandwiches and quiche Marc's mom made. It was a pretty legit French lunch. lol. The water was only 60 degrees so I skipped the swimming and just layed out and took a nap on one of the couches on the boat. It was very relaxing and nice after all of the busy times we spent in Paris.

When we got back from the boat trip Marc's parents had a Spanish party so they got dressed up and we went to walk around for awhile. The town was beautiful and we made plans to come back that night to a sports bar to watch the Bordeaux game which was apparently a big deal. When we got back I gave Marc's family there presents which I think they liked and Clara, Marc's sister served us dinner. It was really good, of course, and Clara said that she wanted to go get ice cream. So we walked down to a pier area and got the legit kind of homemade ice cream that she really liked while the boys went to watch the game. We waked out to the water and just talked for awhile until there were 5 minutes left in the game. The people were so funny to watch and after they won they played all sorts of French songs and then came "We are the Champions," "We will Rock you," and " I Will Survive." I thought those were some pretty fun song choices but it was fun to jump around with them and act all excited about there victory. We went back to the house and talked to the family for awhile then went to bed. It was a really fun day.

This morning we had to get on our first train back to Bordeaux at 9 so we went back with Julie and then she stayed and we continued on for 6 hours to Vichy. The train ride wasn't to bad and it was nice to see all of the country side. All of the train stations were really small once we left Bordeaux and it was cute.

When we finally got there Melissa and her mom were there to pick me up and I was so happy to see them! We walked around till we found Jordans host family then we drove back to Melissas house. It's really cool! It's really huge and the 3rd floor is basically just for me now lol. Her family is so sweet and only speaks French so I've actually had to start trying which is good. I think I probably spoke more French in our one dinner than I did of one year of my French classes lol. It gets easier and easier so hopefully I'll be pretty good by the time I leave. I don't have any picture loaded right now but I will try to do that tomorrow or soon so you can see her house and more pictures from Bordeaux!

I miss all of you but to be honest I'm having such an awesome time! I never want to leave lol but don't worry, I'll come back!

Love you all!


  1. Holly - Sounds like you had a wonderful time with Marc and his lovely family and friends. What a ball you must have had speaking french/english to his friends. And how nice his mom was to do all of that for you all. I'm sure the train ride was very scenic - so glad you are having that opportunity. But very happy you are with Melissa and her family. She is lovely and spoke very good English - very softly. Hope all your expectations with the school are great and her home sounds LOVELY.

  2. Holly,
    Oh my!!! It sounds like you are having the time of your life and I am so happy for you. I am so happy that you made friends like Marc and Melissa at OU so now you can enjoy them in France. That is awesome that you got to know them so well this year. I appreciate Marc's family for having you as their guest. I would like to write them a thank you note. Your time on their boat sounded perfect with a fancy French lunch and all. I am glad you got to meet Marc's sister too. I am sure the train ride was beautiful and wish I was on the trip with you. I am super excited you are at Melissa's now and that her house is so cool. She is a doll and I am sure her parents will enjoy hearing you talk. You will really learn a lot of French now because you will have to speak it. That is good for you. Thanks again for writing such a descriptive blog. We are all enjoying keeping up with you on this fabulous journey.

  3. Holly,
    I read your blog. Wow! I am really impressed with all you are seeing and doing. I'm having dinner with your mom tonight so I'm sure she will fill in all the blanks concerning you. Take care and have FUN. Until later, Kay M.
