Thursday, May 28, 2009

What an Adventure!

At 6am this morning Jordan and I woke up to get on the train at 7:45. We decided to take the bus, only to discover it was going to take way to long, so we got off and went down to the metro. Which is not easy when you have lots of luggage. When we got on the metro we headed to Gare du Nord where we bought the tickets and got our EuRail passes verified only to discover we were at the wrong station!! Oh yes that happened lol. We had 25 minutes until the train so we ran to the metro and went through 13 stations to get to the right station. When we got off the metro was packed and Jordan and I ended up getting seperated and I couldn't find her anywhere. At this point the train was leaving in 5 minutes so I started for the exit and ended up meeting her there thank god. We couldn't find the train so we gave up and went to book new tickets.

At the billet station we asked to get a ticket for the next train to Bordeaux but there were no EuRail rates left so we would have had to have paid 68 euros to board the next train. So I started thinking well crap that sucks but then the lady said she could get us on a train at another station and we would have to switch trains in St. Pierre but it would only cost us 1,50 so we of course chose that. So we got on a bus to another train station! The 4th we'd gone to in Paris, and were able to find our train. There was no room for our bags so we had to go find places for that.

Pretty much anything that could have did, minus my bag breaking thankfully because that would have been awful. They definitely took a beating today and now I understand why people decide to backpack as opposed to use luggage. I've never been so tired in all of my life. My muscles were so sore and I sweated so much but we ended up getting to Bordeaux and it was easy to meet Marc so that's what matters!


  1. Holly - you poor baby!!! I don't know how you did all of that and then to loose Jordan would have made me just panic. I thought the Metro was so confusing - don't know how you are managing all of this and keeping your wits about you. When we were on the train it was a nightmare just finding a place to sit - can't imagine you handling your luggage too. So glad Marc was there to meet you. Hopefully this was the last big adventure and the rest will be a breeze. LOVE Grammie

  2. I am so sorry to hear about your hectic day of travel. What a nightmare. I would have just sat down and cried but you are strong and brave. I can't believe you got seperated from Jordan. Hang in there sweetie. Hopefully you won't have to travel by yourself anymore. Maybe you can have people take you to the train stations for the rest of the trip. I am so proud of you Holly.
    Love, Mom

  3. Bravo! I had a similar experience in France , getting from Charles De Gaulle to Avignon after missing the connecting flight, but we dealt with it, and it felt great. Love Gramma

    I had a similar experience
