Friday, June 26, 2009


Picture 1: Drinking the wine they gave us!
Picture 2: What the fanciest McDonalds has to offer!
Picture 3:In front of the Castle!
Picture 4: Chilling in the fountain!
Picture 5: The fanciest McDonalds I've ever seen!
Picture 6: Me in front of the Duomo!

I'm finally in Italy!! It was pretty funny trying to make the language transition for me since I got so used to French haha. It was also pretty funny when we switched from our French to Italian train, the differences in the people. On the French train, no one talks and minds there own business and sits quietly. On the Italian trains everyone is talking and sharing food and laughing and it was hilarious I loved it!

We didn't get to the train station till around 9 so I was glad I booked a hotel literally across the street. And apparently I got a really good deal on this hotel because we did not pay much at all and it's so nice and beautiful! Yay me! haha We hadn't eaten since that morning so I went and asked the conceirge (in Italian) where a good place to eat around there was. He told us and we went on our way.

I started to get skeptical when all of the places were closed and it didn't really look like a popular hang out. Then we walked inside and there were so many people there! And lots of Italians eating dinner. I was happy after that because they say you know a restaurant is good when the Italians eat there!

We sat down and ordered when a couple next to us leaned over and asked us how we liked Milan. They were Scottish and here on holiday to watch the Opera and visit museums. They were so cute and sweet and bought us a bottle of Italian wine since they knew we were poor college students haha! They ended up being very interesting people and the woman started laughing when we said we went to school in Oklahoma because she had been in the musical so that was pretty funny. We talked about the stereotypes of different countries and they told us all the best attractions around. Of course they said the Opera, but at 160euros a ticket thats not going to happen haha!

I'm really upset that we didn't take a picture with them because we didn't think about it! But they gave us their e-mails and told us if we were ever in Scotland to let them know and they would love to show us around lol. They were very lovely people and it was probably my most enjoyable meal I've had in all of Europe!

The next day we woke up, had breakfast at the hotel, checked out and went to sight see! Of course we went to the Duomo first and then walked around and shopped a little bit, but only a little so don't worry! After we ate lunch and I had the most delicious lunch that was something I cant remember the name. But basically it was a big tortilla, with ham, brie cheese and fresh tomatoes. It was again, one of the most delicious things I've ever eaten! Italy is pretty much kicking France's rear in that department! haha

After that we walked to the Castle nearby and went through the museums there that had some really neat things. After we got really tired to we sat around the fountain with the locals who stick their feet in the water and like play in it. It was a pretty funny and cool experience!

By then it was time to head to Florence, but it was a great day in Milan!


  1. Holly,
    Mom, Ryan, Jon and I just read your email and loved your photos. I am glad you had some great meals and sounds like great wine. We can't wait for you to get home.

  2. I have been following your adventures and love it when you talk about meeting the old people. And I am glad you still don't like the wine. you look so beautiful and I still can't get use to you being so mature. I am so proud of you.

  3. Holly, your trip has been such an adventure - and I'm glad you have had such good luck with your hotels, etc. I'm so anxious to hear everything and look sooo forward to your getting back home.

    By the way, the house is really sooooooo nice and everything looks like it was meant just for it. Your room is ready for you and so are we. Take care these last few days and much LOVE. Grammie
