Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Studying Italian in Castel Fusano

With the cutest little nuns from Indonesia at the Vatican
My room here!

So now my mom went home and I am studying Italian just outside of Rome at a camp site/ "country club" called Castel Fusano. It is all younger people and italian families and basically I am the only American here now. There was one girl before me who is in the nun picture with me but she went back to Boston now.

My roommates name is Svetlanna and she is from Russia. Actually, all of my classmates are Russian which has been very interesting since I haven't met very many in my life and now I live with one! They're all very nice but only 2 of them speak English, so now I'm learning a little Russian too on my Italian class breaks!

Since there is a metro connecting us to Rome I have gone back with Ariana (the other American) once because she still hadn't seen the Vatican since she'd been here. So we headed out to Rome, souvenir shopped, ran into some friends, and then went to the Vatican.

When we were there we saw these tiny nuns and I couldn't figure out how old they were so we walked up to them and they were taking pictures of each other, so I offered to take one for them and found out they were from Indonesia, which I thought was interesting considering that that is mainly a Muslim country. Anyways, they were so sweet and after they asked to take a picture with us, I laughed and said I wasn't dressed appropriately but then they laughed and asked me again so we took one and now I'm so glad because look how cute they were! It made Ariana and I so happy!

Later we went to eat then caught the metro home where everyone goes to the "Chill Out" at night. Basically it's this sort of awkward place where a huge group of teenage germans go and dance with each other and then the older people sit in a different area and talk, so there I have met a lot of interesting people and had fun conversations! There is also a club which I try to avoid since it's full of really young kids, but I went once and it was interesting!

I've also realized as my Italian improves my English is getting worse and I find myself forgetting words or leaving them out of sentences and sort of talking the same way the Russians speak English. It's pretty funny!

I have classes every morning and my teacher is really great. Everything is in Italian but nothing has been too hard yet so I've really enjoyed it. Tomorrow the same language program in Rome has excursions and I will go to a seminar about wine tasting which should be cool! They have something most days and I am going to try to attend as many as possible.

All for now!

1 comment:

  1. Меня зовут Джаред. Как поживаете?

    I learned a little over the summer!
