Sunday, August 1, 2010


At the Olympic Stadium
BWM World
A Festival was going on
Moms purchase in Fussen!

After leaving Fussen my mom and I drove through a lot of German countryside until we got to Munich. When we were closer my mom could not figure out why everyone was passing her and going so fast, then I realized we were on the Autobahn and were holding everyone up! I told her to pass a truck and she said that she was flooring it and we could only go so fast. We laughed because that was all our poor little Fiat could handle!

When we got there our hotel check in wasn't for awhile so we planned out what we wanted to do and drove to the Olympic stadium and BMW factory.

The BMW factory was cool but I think I would have appreciated it a lot more if I knew more about cars. My mom and I had seen enough in about 30 minutes and went to the Olympic stadium where there was a huge dog festival going on! When we went to look for food all we found was Purina, Eukanuba, and a hot dog stand. So we had a hot dog and went up the space needle.

When we got to the top and took pictures my mom realized that she was sort of afraid of heights so we didn't stay up there for long. When we got back to the hotel we went to a little italian restaurant next door and the waitor didn't speak English, but he did speak italian so that was fun!

Today we got up and drove our rental car back to the car place. My mom and I were cursing the German parking garage because we could not figure out where to enter it! Five tries later we figured it out and were free of the car, mom was relieved.

Next we went to the train station to take... yet another bus tour. When we got to the fourth stop I knew where we were from last time I went and it was close to noon so I made my mom get out and basically run to Marienplatz so that we could watch the Glockenspeil. We made it in time and since it was noon on a Sunday there were all sorts of church bells with the Glockenspeil so it was really cool.

After that we walked to the Hoffbrauhaus where we had lunch and mom tried the beer. We bought some mugs and my mom was trying to get me to buy everything since it was my initials. I told her that I didn't want to have all sorts of beer paraphernalia so we just stuck with a cute keychain for me.

Mom went to video the musicians and some funny German guys thought she was cute so they tried to get her to have a beer with them, we got it on video and they spoke no English. Very funny!

After lunch we walked around and then went to the English Gardens where we hung out for awhile watching the surfers and then some people watching which was very entertaining!

Now were back preparing to get on our train at 6:20am to go to Paris in the morning!

1 comment:

  1. I think you all pack more in a day than most people. It is a good thing your mother has walked 2-3 miles most days this summer and during the school year so she can keep up with you twenty some years younger! Know you will enjoy Paris and what a treat to see it all. I loved the people watching too. The train should be interesting and I'm sure Melanie is glad for someone else to be driving! LOVE
