Sunday, August 29, 2010


View from Our Balcony
Kara and I
Our Room and Kara's bed
Our room!
Cute little Kitchen
My first meal that I cooked! (Gnocci and fish)Before the sauce was done
Trying to find out which is our mailbox

I'm finally in Arezzo! In my apartment with Kara! Yesterday I left Castel Fusano and my classmates to meet up with all of the OU people at the airport where we had a shuttle that took us all the way to Arezzo, which was so nice because switching trains with lots of luggage is not the best.

When we got here we went to each apartment to drop off all of the students. Our apartment was the 3rd stop and after seeing where the other students are living I decided that I really like our location best!

Today my legs are killing me!! There are 87 stairs to get to our room with no elevator, and yesterday Kara and I had to take up 6 pieces of luggage (4 of which were We've decided this will be a good thing though considering how many carbs we will be consuming here.

Our apartment is great! Above us we have a terrace where we can hang laundry and sit outside and look over Arezzo. Our room is super cute and very bright. I was expecting it to be sort of old but instead everything is very new and I'm pretty sure from Ikea.

When we finished getting all of our stuff up the stairs Kara and I went to the grocery store and brought back food for the next week, then I had to cook! A scary thought, but even though I don't cook much, my Grammies and Mom's persistence of showing me how to do what there doing helped me remember how to prepare a good meal! I boiled gnocchi, fried fish in a pan and.... used store bought sauce because I'm not THAT good yet. But by the end I bet I will be able to.

I won't lie though... I sort of forgot that you need to thaw the fish before you put it in the pan, so it practically exploded in the pan and a battle between me and the fish ensued where I ended victorious after removing it, rethawing it, and then cooking it again.

Next, Kara and I walked all over Arezzo seeing the main sights and getting gelato. We were pretty content. We feel pretty lucky to be here and have this experience in such a gorgeous little town.

After eating we cleaned up, unpacked a bit, and then met up with Kate to get my other bags that my mom and I had left with her. Then even though we were tired and icky we decided to go have a little dinner and a glass of wine at a great little restaurant. The food could not have been any better and so we decided that that will be our spot for every other Wednesday from now on!

I had gnocchi again, but it had some sort of meat in it and it blew mine out of the water but I decided that that is ok for now. After having 2 pastas, chardonnay, and chocolate mousse with raspberry we decided that it probably could not get any better than this!


  1. Loved the pics and your apt. does look very nice and new and how terrific to have some place you can go and sit and enjoy the view. The kitchen is especially nice and makes it alot easier for you to want to eat in. You have been a good cook and you are a super pie baker. I'm glad you are healthy and able to go up all those steps and can't imagine how you got those bags up there - wow! Good luck on your first day of you new life in the classes. LOVE
