Thursday, July 29, 2010

Under the Tuscan Sun! (Arezzo and Cortona)

My new home!...Eventually!
Raining in Cortona
An Art Gallery in Cortona
City Square in Arezzo
Arezzo Map
With Kate in front of my apartment!

After Rome my mom and I carried our 4 huge bags (2 of which are staying in Arezzo till I come back) and we got on our train to Arezzo. It was not too far at all and our hotel was close. It just so happened to be the same hotel that my friends were staying at which worked out perfectly!

When we got to our room I texted Kate, the OU program assistant to the director, and we met up so that I could leave the big bags at her apartment. She was so nice and took my mom and I all around town and showed us where to go, eat, etc. We had lunch with her and then just wandered shopping and taking lots of pictures for awhile.

Around 9pm I went and met up with the OU Arts and Science students who were having a farewell dinner and hung out with them that evening. They also had lots of tips for me about what to do in Arezzo so it was so fun seeing them and my friends!

The next morning we got up and went to the train station to go to Cortona (The town where they filmed Under the Tuscan Sun). It is only 20 minutes away so we got to the station no problem but Cortona is up on a hill so you have to take a taxi to get there. This is a small town with only 3 taxis total and none of the drivers spoke English, so luckily I knew enough to explain where we were and what we wanted to do and a taxi came for us.

Cortona was so beautiful because you can see over the whole Tuscan valley from the top. We had a great time wandering the streets shopping and looking through art galleries. When we went to eat it started raining so we moved inside. Of course we didn't bring our umbrellas or rain jackets with us so our first souvenir purchase there was new umbrellas!

By the end of the day we had basically walked the whole city and on the way back our taxi driver took us by the house where they shot all of the indoor scenes of under the tuscan sun and the olive picking scene. That was cool!

The next day we got up to go to Innsbruck and it was quite the mess. We had a connecting train in Bologna that broke down, so the German train company rented a bus and drove all of the passengers to Verona where we had to wait for another train to come and around 4 hours later it did. But now we are in Innsbruck and that is all that matters!

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