Saturday, July 24, 2010

Roma con mia mama!

In the Vatican Museum!
In front of St. Peters
Spanish Steps
Trevi Fountain
Baby on Board!

The Forum

Buon Giorno!

My mom and I arrived in Rome on the 23rd and have had a great time! After we arrived we went to meet our driver who was expecting me to be a business person so he was a bit surprised when I went and tapped him in my sweat suit. He also did not speak english at all, so I used all of my italian skills and had a pretty decent conversation!

We stayed at a Bed and Breakfast that didn't have AC, just a big fan so my mom had a rude awakening. Then I made her get ready really quickly so that we could head out to the colloseum. We took the metro and that also freaked my mom out a little bit but she was a trooper! It was super hot but we got over it because we wanted to see the forum and colloseum.

We had a lot of fun walking around and taking pictures. We got lost in the forum for awhile but we were glad we bought our tickets there first because the line at the colloseum was outrageous! After touring it all we went and had snacks and a drink at a restaurant across the street.

The metro and heat was pretty hard on my mom and the metro does not go to all of the places we wanted to go, so I sucked it up and let me mom convince me to take a bus tour. And I will admit it did make my life a lot easier.

The next day we got up and got on the bus to ride around the city. We went the whole way round and then got off at the Trevi fountain to meet up with my Theta friends. We were early so we took some pictures and wandered the area. When we decided to throw our coins in the fountain I went first and then gave a coin to mom who just threw it like a baseball (instead of over her shoulder) and I got a pretty good laugh about that. When my friends came we took some pics and chatted but then we all had to be different places later.

We hopped back on the bus and went to the Pantheon, but missed our stop so we had to get off at the next one and walk back. When we got there we took some pictures, sat down and then got kicked out for mass to start so we had just barely made it.

After the Pantheon we went and found the bus again and went to have dinner by the Vatican, this was our first real meal of the trip because the hot weather and busy schedule didn't allow us to much time or that big of an appetite.

On our last day we went to the Vatican museums, which were free because it was the last Sunday of the month. We stood in line for awhile, took some cute pics of nuns driving, on laptops, and other things you wouldn't picture nuns doing. We did the whole tour, bought a really nice cross necklace for my mom at the Vatican and ate our first italian pizza at the restaurant there.

We got a late start this day so by the time we wanted to go to the basilica the line was ridiculous so I told my mom we would come back before it close that evening. Getting back on the bus, we rode to the Spanish steps and did a little shopping then had dinner.

Around 5pm we headed back to the Vatican where there was now no line for the basilica but mass was going on and my dress wasn't close enough to my knees so I sent my mom in alone to go explore and she said it was very neat to see mass happening in the Vatican.

The next morning we got up to take our massive amount of luggage to the train station and it was pretty miserable, luckily all of the big bags we have are now staying in Arezzo so that was the only time we had to take around the big bags.

And now on to Arezzo, my new home!

1 comment:

  1. What a trooper Melanie is - wasn't sure she had it in her with the HOT weather but so glad you all saw everything. I'm so HAPPY this trip is really happening and know it will just get better and better as you get out of the big cities. Also, very glad you speak Italian! Much LOVE to my girls!
