Sunday, September 26, 2010

Assisi/ Art Class

Amazing pool!
Where we had our "light lunch" consisting of 4 courses!
Awesome sculptor
His drawings before his creations!
His workshop!
At the fortress in Assisi!
Tiny stairs!
Rocca Maggiore
Cute streets!
Beautiful Umbria
San Francesco entrance!
Outside San Francesco
Such a pretty town!
San Francesco!

So my art history class in Arezzo is basically the coolest class I've ever taken! Each Thursday we travel to sights to learn about Italian Decorative Complexes and a new part was just added where we learn about the actual process of making the art itself so we can appreciate it even more.

Two weeks ago we headed out to Assisi in Umbria to see San Francesco and all of its greatness. We hoped on a train early in the morning then took a bus up to the top of the hill where the basilica sits and we grabbed a light lunch before Kirk took us through telling us about Cimabue's attempt at perspective with the example literally right in front of you! So amazing. Then we went up to the second floor where there were all of the freezes of the life of San Francesco and learned that supposedly when the earthquake struck 3 people ran to the altar and 1 to the door, guess which ones lived?

After our tour the rest of the class wanted to go home but 6 of us wanted to stay and explore so we walked around up the hill towards the huge fortress, getting gelato along the way obviously! I did not have my hiking gear on, but when we made it to the top and had the huge view it made everything so worth it. I cant even begin to describe the colors and the views from the tops of the hills in Italy but it is one of those experiences where you just can't speak and have to pause to really remember that I live here in one of the most beautiful places in the world!

This past week we were able to learn about the creative process of making sculptures and frescoes by experiencing it for ourselves. First we went to the studio of a very famous tuscan sculptor who still uses the traditional bronze making process and uses granite for his work. He was a total nut but so fun to watch and learn from. Listening to his inspiration for his pieces and realizing the work that goes into them.

Our next stop was at an agricultural tourism site where they had vineyards, farms, and a hotel with an amazing pool! We had a lecture on frescoes then were able to paint them ourselves. Before I never realized how much work went into them till I was trying to lay the background sand and cementish mixture before i could even pick up a paintbrush! I now realize how all of the great artists felt and how much time and dedication these things take. Needless to say I do not have the attention span for it! But I was able to finish mine and it turned out fairly decent, I'll post more pics later!

We were supposed to have a "light lunch" which turned into a 4 course meal consisting of appetizers, pasta, chicken, and apple pie with wine made from their vineyard. Needless to say it was a good school day and I learned more from experience than I ever would have just sitting in a classroom at ou!

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure this is a class - looks like a party to me! How amazing to be seeing all the beauty of Italy and to have these experiences. Your teacher sounds like he plans very interesting art history classes. These are things you will never forget. Much love and missing you.
